Monday 14 March 2011

Low Inventory Could Mean An Atypical Spring For Rossmoor Homes

By Jeremy Colonna

Spring is usually the harbinger of increased activity for Rossmoor homes. Today, however, very light inventory could make this years numbers considerably lower than years past. Traditional family neighborhoods like Rossmoor, typically see a dramatic influx of buyers eager to get settled before fall registration. With a mere thirty homes for sale in Rossmoor, there could be a lot more competition for prospective Rossmoor buyers. Contrary to conventionalo wisdom, this could make for an unusual opportunity for Rossmoor homeowners to take advantage of an otherwise poor housing market.

Usually six months of housing inventory represents a healthy housing market. The current listing numbers in Rossmoor are about half that time period. In my opinion this has a whole lot to do with the uncertainty of the real estate industry, in general. Most homeowners have their homes for sale right now, because they have to, not because they want to. Many owners are choosing to hold on and wait for better market conditions, rather than try and sell in what is considered by most to be a very poor economic climate.

Normally, this plan represents a sound strategy grounded in economic fundamentals. "Buy low. Sell high." is a mantra virtually as old as language itself...perhaps older. The problem in today's market is that there is so much uncertainty with employment conditions, taxes, national debt, health care and the like that nobody is sure that things won't get worse before they get better. It's easy to speculate, but an increase in interest rates coupled with five dollar gas prices could derail a very tepid housing recovery!

While conditions are less than ideal, it doesn't mean things won't start to improve. Even with my lengthy and respected experience in the industry (Just last week, I was quoted on!), I try not to really forecast the future of the market without the data I need to support my conclusion. Lately, I find myself describing the market as "muddy" and uncertain. Without adeqate sales activity, I just can't feel very confident about the direction of the market going forward!

In the end, I think that homeowners will be fine either way. Rossmoor has a great amount of innate desirability. Families with children will always want safe streets, renowned schools and friendly neighborhoods. Choose to sell your Rossmoor home now, and you can capitalize on limited inventory and less competition. Hold out for a better economy and you can take advantage of better home prices across the board. The only danger is that in these uncertain times, you need to make sure that you have the ability to wait out a market that may wallow for some time to come.

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