Sunday 3 June 2018

Do Not Make The Mistake Of Not Doing A Landlord Tenant Credit Check

By Donald Reed

Looking for new people to move in? Do not rush it, don t get so desperate that you choose anyone without running a background check on them. Landlord Tenant Credit Check is necessary so that you are certain that they can afford it. Some people go with their gut and while it s encouraged that you let your instinct guide you. Back it up though, don t let a person s likeability cloud your judgment.

You are obviously going to have a chat with the people that are looking to rent your apartment. You are going to tell them the cost and ask if they can afford it. They will, in turn, give you their details or tell you who they are. You will still need to run a report on them, you can t avoid it. You must be sure about them and you need to confirm their information. You cannot give an apartment to the first person that comes to you.

A report of this nature will also confirm that your potential residents are who they say they are. You will be able to verify their names, addresses if they are married as well as their employment status and social security number. So basically all the information they give you, whether true or false. You will know if something is not right from the get-go.

This report will show you all their accounts, as well as when those were opened. This includes their credit card and the limits on all those cards. Loans are another thing you ll come across, where loans were taken and for how much. Including what type of loans they were, student loans or more recent ones like mortgages.

You will also get to see who has also requested the type of information you are going through as well. For instance, if they were looking for apartments somewhere else and the landlord was also doing a background check on them as well. It gives you an idea of who they are and what you should expect if you allow them to rent your property.

This is not a sneaky thing you do on the side without their knowledge. Before you conduct this research on them, they have to give you consent. Not just with words, it must be documented. Some landlords attach this sort of thing to their contracts. Others will get a document separate from the contract. It really does not matter how you do it as long as you have it. You will need their Full name, previous employer, social security number and many other details.

Everything you are going to do regarding the report must be within the rules. It must be within the bounds of the Fair Credit Reporting Act. Also, note that the deeper you want to delve into the report the more money you should have to pay. To have the funds for this, perhaps do a report on the residents who have paid the deposit already. That way you don t have to necessarily take from your own pocket to do this

Being in a bind should not be an excuse to be reckless. If anything you need to be more careful so that you don t wind up in another situation.

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