Thursday, 22 August 2013

G20 Kick Can Of Chaos Down The Road

By Anne Trimble

Only last week in Moscow, the current G20 meeting of economists and central bankers of the globe's industrialized nations kicked the can of disorder just a little bit farther down the road, focusing on fairly trivial issues--such as tax evasion by international business like Amazon-- instead of tackling the menace of the world financial collapse that is breathing down their necks.

Sure, at the end of the meeting-- a prelude to a gathering in September that will unite Head of state Obama, Russia's totalitarian, Vladimir Putin, and other presidents-- the G20 did give out a communique about how they have recognized the gravity of our current global economic crisis.

Still the G20 leaders were just making an attempt to improve their own popularity instead of actually dealing with the unpleasant realities of the international economy. They valiantly spoke about "growth before austerity" completely ignoring the fact that many western countries are basically bankrupt, with all entrepreneurial businesses so strained by taxes that there is no incentive for people to try very hard.

As we have pointed out here many times, the Bible notes in Matthew 24 that deception will be the greatest characteristic of the last days. The G20 leaders have no idea how to solve the worldwide economic crisis, so they only try not to scare everyone.

Yet everybody had better be scared. There is an antichrist and his system waiting to spring, and the worldwide financial failure will usher them in.

We should see the handwriting on the wall from all this: The U.S. dollar will be replaced quickly by a new global currency. The Fed is only making a show to prop up financial markets with its constant "quantitative easing."

Exactly how long before the substantial debt obligations of the U.S., which has now passed $200 trillion, will simply crush our economy and will is anybody's guess.

In the midst of all this, we ask that the American church catch up with the times again. People are leaving churches in droves because they see the financial chaos around them for what it is while their churches overlook this obvious fact. People see what's happening, but the churches do not.

One megachurch, for instance, recently sponsored a speech by a financial advisor that championed paper financial investments-- even advising individuals to offer their gold and turn it into paper possessions-- when a "dollar" now is just worth the paper it's published on. Don't sell your gold as it may soon escalate to $12,000 an ounce.

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