Monday 2 January 2012

Business Loans

By Roger Gray

A business loan is a way to help get your business started or to help it along to grow and develop. Many business owners get a loan at one point. There are lots of different business loan options available.

It's very important to know if the business has established credit. If the business is new or fairly new, it is unlucky that the business has any credit of its own and therefore the business owners credit will be used to determine the worthiness for a loan.

With established businesses, there is a separate line of credit. If at all possible, the business owner should try to establish the business credit separate form their own credit as this will be helpful down the road.

The type of business loan really depends upon the credit rating and the need. One popular loan is the SBA business loan. This loan comes from a regular lender but is backed by the Small Business Administration.

Commercial real estate loans are comparable to residential real estate loans. There are also special start up loans to help a business get started, which provide more opportunity for businesses that typical lenders see as high risk.

Businesses may also have additional options over individuals when trying to obtain a loan. Business loans may be secured with accounts receivable. The accounts receivable can be used to secure the loan.

They may also be able to get a merchant account cash advance. This is a loan on what the business typical receives through credit card sales. Know that the credit card company will give a loan for the amount of the business' average credit sales.

And if a business needs a loan to buy supplies or merchandise, they will be able to get a line of credit through a vendor.

As a last resort, if a business credit is not established separate form personal credit of the owner, the business owner could get a home equity line of credit through their home mortgage to cover the loan amount they need.

This is only for a last resort. Businesses that start up when they have no credit of their own are high-risk. A business owner should understand completely what they are risking before putting their home in jeopardy.

Business loans generally take a lot of consideration. This is due to the fact that in the United States, there's a lot of assistance available for people trying to start or maintain a business. The goal is to let people follow their dreams and succeed.

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