Sunday 4 December 2011

Some Tips to Consider if You Are Just Starting Out In The Stock Market

By Timmy Morre

If you are just starting out in the stock market and planning on trading it for a profit then you are going to have to create a plan and follow it. It isn't as easy as just hearing some hot stock tips and then going all in on them.

Stocks are basically shares of a company. If you own a stock you own part of the company that it represents. The stock market is a place where investors come together to buy and sell different stocks.

If you want to learn stock trading then here are a few stock tips that should help you out with that.

1. Making Your Trading Plan

One common characteristic of great traders is that they all have their own trading plan that they stick with. You won't see a long term investor suddenly start trading stock options. They don't specialize in that and it would probably end up losing them money.

In a similar way option traders will not start looking for stocks that have a great long term potential and hold onto them for 20 years.

Everyone who has ever been successful in the stock market has done so by figuring out how they want to approach the market and getting really good at that strategy. If you want to get good at something you need to practice and learn about it.

2. Paper Trading Stocks

You may have a great strategy that you took a lot of time on, but that does not mean that it really will make you money. Paper trading lets you see if your strategy works without you having to risk real money.

This is why most traders will recommend that you have both a real trading account where you can trade strategies you already know work and a paper trading account where you can test other strategies.

3. You Don't Always Have to Be Right

It seems to be widely believed that if you want to make money in the stock market you have to be right a lot more then you are wrong. That is not true. There are a lot of traders who still make money even though they are wrong more than they are right. The secret is keeping their losses small and their winners big.

If you keep your losses small and your winners big, then a few big winners can more than make up for a series of losses.

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