Sunday 4 December 2011

Malibu: 28060 Sea Lane Dr. For Sale

By Luis Pezzini

Those that are millionaires and billionaires out there are more than likely looking for a home that is going to showcase the wealth that they have and be something that they can relax and enjoy for many years to come. With that being said, finding these homes are not hard as long as the person knows where to look and works with an agent that is going to work with them. Those that are interested are going to find that one of the first steps that they will need to accomplish is to get pre qualified for these types of homes, which is basically proving that they can afford to buy one of these homes. This is a process that must be completed, and the person will find that it does not take very long. Once they have done this, they are free to look at any of the homes that they are interested in. For those that are considering the great state of California, they are going to find that many homes that are located in Malibu are going to fit the exact description of what they need in order to show their wealth. Particularly, the home located at 28060 Sea Lane Drive. The home is one that is going to offer the person everything that they have ever wanted in a home in Malibu.

This is a Mediterranean style home that has around 11, 313 square feet. The person will find that one of the most appealing aspects about the home is that they are going to have their own private space of beach that they can enjoy on almost any day in the city. There is approximately 339 feet of beach that comes exclusively with the home. Add into this, there is around 6.6 acres with the home, the person is really getting a great deal since it is priced at an affordable $45,000,000 and ready for that special someone to move into the home.

Add into the fact that the security of the home is very impressive with a twelve foot wall surrounding the priority and the gated entrance that is there to deter anyone from entering that is not supposed to be there.

The exterior is also going to prove to be something that is going to provide tons of activities for the person to do with a pool, spa, guest house and a tennis court that has lights which enable the person to play at any time that they are waning to do this.

The inside of this home is just as appealing as the outside characteristics that people are finding appealing. The person will find that they are getting seven bedrooms and eight bathrooms, which is going to be enough room for any number of guests that the person decides to entertain. The person will also find that they are getting their own wine cellar, sauna and theatre to enjoy, which is going to be very appealing to most people.

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