Sunday 4 December 2011

Forex Megadroid - Tips For Successful Trading

By Rudolf Boquiren

When you are just beginning, it can help to have expert forex trading tips to guide you along the path. Professionals that have already been there can give the best advice. Listed here are a few tips offered by those in the know.

Practice, Practice, Practice

Before you begin throwing money into your Forex account, trade on a demo account for at least 2 months. It is quite startling to know that 90% traders do not succeed when they begin the actual trading, and the main reason is lack of basic knowledge, discipline, and practice.


Make a trading plan that is solid, otherwise, you are sure to fail even before you start. The plan will act such as a GPS device that will guide you on your road to success, and make you avoid roadblocks and obstacles.

Hang in There

It can be easy to give up after one loss, but keep in mind that you cannot become a good trader without putting in the time. Do not change from the plan on an impulse, or for accommodating a trade.

Watch over Your Trades

Although there are numerous software and tools for automatic trading, nothing works better than experience and a sensible strategy over a long term. Monitor things by yourself and you should have much better success, as well as learn more in the process.

Close Losing Trades

Losing trades can happen to anyone and are good for gaining experience. However, you need to close such trades and move on. Also, don't indulge in "revenge trading", which is usually going to be double the size of your loser trade. A hasty decision according to a strong emotion is usually a wrong call, and you is able to end up losing double.

Focus on the Task

Follow your plan and make a point of learning from your mistakes. Do not let losses or bad times get you down, as these are great ways to learn.

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