Thursday 9 June 2011

Finding A New Home Is A Concern Of Humanity In General.

By Gnifrus Urquart

Finding a new home is a different problem in different countries. In communist countries like China the problem is, ironically, the most acute. Despite the declared intention of communist and socialist governments to provide housing as a benefit of the state ordinary people who are not members of the elite ruling class having great difficulty in finding somewhere to live.

In communist or former communist countries it is difficult if not impossible for ordinary people to find homes of their own. The best way may be to apply to the government and then wait endlessly for government agencies to work. In China the government prides itself on socialism 'with Chinese characteristics' and this apparently means raw capitalism where property prices put new homes outside the reach of most working people.

The price of properties has risen so sharply in recent decades that people across the globe are in dire straits. The difficulties of those who live in communist or former communist countries are so extreme that there is no hope for most people except to live in a house owned by someone else, or by the state.

Their hopeless situation throws the apparent difficulties of people living in free market societies into relief. They may have to borrow money in order to find a home but in many cases they stand to inherit a family property and can use this inheritance as a lever to start looking for a better house.

Where people have not inherited property they may have been able to borrow money and buy a first home by depositing just a small portion of what it is worth. They then have their foot on the property ladder. After a few years they may wish to start looking for a new and better house in order to start climbing slowly up the ladder towards a higher value property that is ideal for them.

When seeking a better residence location is the acknowledged first consideration. It is worth hard money to move into a more upmarket area where prices are higher and likely to move higher still. Some people have the means to improve but do not necessarily wish to move away from the area that they know well and where their friends live. As a consequence on finds in many parts of the world large and expansive dwellings standing beside humble structures like showy monuments to over capitalization.

In suburbia house tend to stand in stiff series beside streets as though they are thoughtless soldiers without any will of their own. Finding a new home with any individuality is difficult is such a locality. However, a discerning buyer can look for possibilities. There may be a blank wall that faces an attractive view. At little expense it may be possible to turn a house around so that it stops staring at a road and instead faces the sun, waiting every morning for it to rise and shine into the main bedroom.

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